Jennifer Bauser
Jennifer Bauser studied drawing, painting, sculpting and jewelry design while pursuing a B.A. in art from Kutztown University. Today, she continues to express herself in all of these media, moving effortlessly from one to another. Indisputably, Bauser is a young artist with an “old soul” talent.
A beautiful selection of Jennifer’s oil paintings in various sizes is available. We are pleased to offer works in her limited edition series “Sensuous” as well.
Jennifer Bauser might well be the artistic heir apparent to Georgia O’Keeffe. Like O’Keeffe she paints everyday objects – a peach, a pear, or cherries –infused with subtle, yet unmistakable sensuality. Bauser’s media – oil paint in intense and vibrant colors; her technique – bold, secure and flowing strokes; and her imagery – ripe, seductive fruit, are harmoniously combined, and the end result is a series of rich, beautiful and pleasurable, and yes, sensuous paintings. Bauser clearly has something new and personal to show us.